Finance BI: Your Ultimate Financial Consolidation and Reporting Solution



Unify Your Financial Data for Secure, Easy Access and Sharing

Access All Your Data in One Place. Secure and Share with Ease.

With Finance BI, you can bring all your financial data into one unified platform, making it easier than ever to access, analyze, and share critical financial information. Implement robust security measures to keep your data safe and secure, while also enjoying the flexibility to share insights with the right people at the right time.

Automate and Elevate Your Financial Reporting with Power BI

The Flexibility of Excel, the Power of Power BI

Finance BI combines the best of both worlds: the familiar and flexible interface of Excel, coupled with the powerful analytical capabilities of Power BI. This unique combination allows you to automate your consolidation and reporting processes, saving you valuable time and freeing you up to focus on the strategic insights that will drive your business forward.

Transform Data into Insightful Narratives with Interactive Visuals

Let Your Data Tell a Story

With Finance BI, your data is not just numbers on a spreadsheet. Use Power BI's advanced features like drill-downs, interactive visuals, and easy sharing options to transform your data into a compelling narrative that provides valuable insights into your business's financial performance.

Drive Business Growth with Strategic Insights from Your Unified Financial Data

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Financial Data with Finance BI

Finance BI is not just a financial consolidation and reporting solution; it's your partner in driving business growth through strategic insights. Our custom Power BI model combines the flexibility of Excel with the powerful analytical capabilities of Power BI, providing you with a seamless platform to access, analyze, and share critical financial information.

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Key Features and Capabilities:


Bring all your financial data into one place for easy access and analysis.


Apply inter-company eliminations to see the true business position of your organization.

Custom Reporting

Consolidate results from multiple companies into your custom reports, tailored to meet your specific needs.

Custom Chart of Accounts

Customize your consolidated Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet layouts to reflect the unique structure of your business.


Handle multiple currencies with ease. Whether you want to report in local currency, group currency, or official currency, Finance BI has you covered.

Financial Reporting & Month-End Reporting

Generate accurate and timely financial reports with ease.


Plan and track your budgets efficiently.


Leverage historical data and predictive analytics to make informed predictions about your business's financial future.

Scenario Modeling

Explore different business scenarios and their financial implications.

Advanced Analysis

Dig deeper into your data to uncover valuable insights.

Data Visualization

Transform your data into visually compelling reports and dashboards with interactive features.

  • Say Goodbye to Data Crunching

    With Finance BI, you can put an end to the tedious task of data crunching and focus on what matters most: making advanced analyses that add value to your business.

  • Fast Implementation: From 3 to 6 Weeks

    Getting started with Finance BI is quick and easy, with implementation taking just 3 to 6 weeks. Our team of experts will guide you through the process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free transition.

  • Get Started with Finance BI Today!

    Transform your financial consolidation and reporting processes with Finance BI. Contact us today to learn more about how our solution can benefit your business.


What makes Finance BI different from other financial consolidation and reporting solutions?

Finance BI is a custom Power BI model designed specifically for financial consolidation and reporting. It combines the flexibility of Excel with the powerful analytical capabilities of Power BI, providing a user-friendly platform for all your financial consolidation and reporting needs. This unique combination allows you to access, analyze, and share critical financial information seamlessly.

Finance BI combines the flexibility of Excel with the powerful analytical capabilities of Power BI, providing a unique and user-friendly platform for all your financial consolidation and reporting needs.

How does Finance BI help with financial consolidation?

Finance BI allows you to bring all your financial data into one place, making it easier to access, analyze, and share critical financial information.

Can Finance BI handle data from different ERP systems?

Yes, Finance BI is designed to consolidate data from different ERP systems, providing you with a unified view of your financial information.

What kind of support is available for implementing Finance BI?

Our team of experts will guide you through the implementation process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free transition. We also offer ongoing support to help you get the most out of your investment.

How long does it take to implement Finance BI?

Implementation typically takes between 3 to 6 weeks, depending on your specific needs and requirements.

Can Finance BI be used for budgeting and forecasting?

Yes, Finance BI includes features for budgeting and forecasting, allowing you to make informed predictions about your business's financial future.

What kind of training is required to use Finance BI?

Finance BI is designed to be user-friendly and easy to learn. We offer training resources and support to help you get up to speed quickly.

Is my data secure with Finance BI?

Yes, we take data security very seriously and implement robust security measures to keep your data safe and secure.

Can Finance BI be customized to meet my business's specific needs?

Yes, Finance BI is highly customizable and can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your business.

What are the benefits of using Finance BI for month-end reporting?

Finance BI streamlines the month-end reporting process, allowing you to generate accurate and timely financial reports with ease. This gives you more time to focus on analyzing the data and making strategic decisions for your business.